Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tricolor or Bicolor?

As much as we sometimes want and try to make plants fit into a formula, something pops up to remind us- it's nature!  We're certainly not in complete control!  

Case in point:  this exotic geranium.  It's name is Tricolor for a reason, but it looks like this particular plant wants to be a bicolor. It's unexpected and imperfect, but it's also unique and beautiful.  Just another gentle reminder that some things are out of our control.  And sometimes, that's a good thing.

-Anna Mary

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

W.O.W. !

Wow, right?!  The recent warm weather has been good to our Delosperma.  Delosperma (also known as Ice Plant) is a perennial favorite- literally, it is one of our favorite perennials!  This year we were lured to the new "Wheels of Wonder" series by promises of exceptional coloring and massive flower sizes (twice that of traditional delosperma).  We have not been disappointed!  Pictured is W.O.W. Hot Pink Wonder; we also love Fire Wonder (red/orange), Golden Wonder (yellow), and Violet Wonder (lavender).

This plant is tough as nails, drought tolerant, and perennial.  It makes for a great ground cover and works well for containers, too. Try using it in succulent combinations- it's able to vine through your planter to cover the soil, spills beautifully, and the flowers are a colorful accent.  

-Anna Mary